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Crescent Energy Co (CRGY) Last: 12.51, Change: +0.11 (0.89%), Volume: 39.20M
Put volume: 83    Call volume: 1,157    Put:Call Ratio: 0.07

January 17, 2025 (106 days until expiration)

Bid/Ask Size
212 x 1
Implied Volatility
Open Interest
 CRGY 12-Month Stock Chart:
Current Odds Call Expires Worthless:
A $1 CRGY Move Could Change Odds: 15%
CRGY Trades Above Strike By: 0.08%
CRGY Last Trade: 12.51
CRGY Current Dividend Yield: 3.84%
Total Return If Called: +6.71%
Inferred Dividend Yield At Exit Price: 3.60%
YieldBoost** At Bid:
(Total / Annualized)
 12.50 Strike Call Trading History:
 Odds Of Expiring Worthless History:
  = in-the-money
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** Represents the hypothetical return generated by the option premium, as a percentage of the current stock price, assuming the call option were to expire worthless. The values in this column are grayed out for in-the-money options reflecting the fact that the stock is at high risk to be called away at any time, whereas the YieldBoost calculation requires the call option to expire worthless and never be exercised.

"Odds" shown are based entirely on technical analysis of the underlying stock, its price history and implied volatility, its current quote data, its current options chain data and associated greeks and implied greeks including delta, gamma, vega, and rho. No fundamental business-level data for the company itself is considered. In other words this value shown is purely based upon observable market data past and present, which is never a guarantee of future price movement and is therefore merely a research tool investors can utilize in combination with other forms of analysis. Market data is inherently error prone, and none of the information presented should be considered to be free of errors or relied upon for any investing decisions. None of the information contained herein constitutes a recommendation that any particular security, portfolio, transaction, or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

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